Forgetting the fact that I got in the family minivan last Friday and hit the road for about 16 hours, the first clue I had that I'm no longer in Kansas was the high temps here in the 70s or 80s. In contrast, Kansas right now has to have a thunderstorm for the mercury not to top out above 100º. My next clue was that there are lakes all around me. Kansas, no so much. My friends, I have made it to the land of 10,000 lakes, otherwise known as Minnesota. My family is spending the week at a resort on a lake with my parents, and my brother's family.
This vacation isn't fitting in real well with my training for Pikes Peak next month since there are no incline treadmills, weight machines, or stair steppers in sight to get me ready for the trek up the side of a mountain. However, I do have some extra time on my side since I don't have to go into work. Also a plus is that this is a real vacation where I can relax in the lake or by a campfire and not have to run around to tourist traps all day following an itinerary. What I'm trying to say is
I'm lazy and plan on drinking a lot I won't need to take another vacation to recover from this vacation, and I'm still be able to get my run on.
We're staying at a resort called Sunset Beach for obvious reasons. |
After the sun goes down and we put the little ones (and the old ones) to bed, us thirty-somethings can sit around the campfire, drink a few adult beverages, swat some mosquitoes, unwind, and bring up topics like peeing in the shower. Apparently, my wife has never thought peeing in the shower was an option, and was surprised to find out I have done it. You would think she would know me better by now.
I'm happy to say I've been getting a full 8 hours sleep at night for a change. By the time I get up, eat a bite, and hit the road, it is about 9:00a. In Kansas, the heat would be beating on me like Casey Anthony by that time. Here, it's been in the upper 50s or low 60s, and I can finish 10+ mile runs without being dehydrated. My daily runs take me by several lakes.
Big Pine Lake (the one we stayed on) |
Nitche Lake |
Don't know the name of this lake, but I thought the cows added
something to the picture. |
Having the extra time and some cooler weather, was a good combination for my running routine. I wasn't going so much for speed this week as I was for the extra mileage. As a bonus, it is also a lot hillier here than back home, thus making my runs harder in a good way.
Minnesota Mileage |
7/10 | 11 | 8.5 min/mi |
7/11 | 9.5 | 8.75 min/mi |
7/12 | 13.1 | 9 min/mi |
7/13 | 0 |
7/14 | 12 | 8.9 min/mi |
7/15 | 16 | 9.75 min/mi |
TOTAL | 61.6 |
Now that the running formalities are out of the way, I'll post a few family vacation pics:
My wife and kids raced turtles in a weekly event sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce. First turtle to the
outside of the circle wins the heat. I was rooting against our turtles because winning the heat would mean having
to wait around for at least an hour for a semifinal. |
My oldest boy, Colter, caught his first fish, and his uncle tried to get him to kiss it. |
For those who like wildlife, we had chipmunks running around camp. |
My adventurous wife taking her chances in water outside of a pool.
I will not comment on the lack of contrast between her and the raft, but
I'm sure it's my fault for not knowing how to take a picture. |
Minnesota's state bird, the Mosquito. |
Lunchtime with 2Slow's mom and brother. |
My 4 year old, Hayden |
We will be heading back to Kansas Saturday where I will have no guilt about my workouts here, but I will have to man up and hit the inclines and stairs hard next week.
Vacations are so great! I am hitting the heat of Kansas in two weeks for my Grandpa's 80th birthday. Do you think you could get me a cool weekend so I don't have acclimation problems? :) I think I can reciprocate for the Ascent!
Love the family pics they are adorable! Hysterical that you are rooting against the something my husband and I would do!
It looks like you're having such a good time and your family is adorable! That' some great mileage you've been getting in, as well. Enjoy the rest of the trip!
It's like a mini taper before the real taper - I like it! :) Well, you're way more trained than I am to go up PP and I didn't even get to do any turtle racing or laying my white body in a white raft ... glad you are having a great time!!!
Ran to the first check point today and survived. I'm not even sure I wished death on me, like I have in the past. Probaby cuz I was a good half hour slower than the year I ran it when I was in shape? Nevertless, this is a good sign. If I can do that thing in the pathetic shape I am in, you will have absolutely zero problems!! Getting excited for you!!
So many animals in this post!
That "state bird" - hmmm.. I'm glad I'm not in Minnesota.
Looks like an awesome family time!!
Cool names, Hayden and Colter.
Geez, you got in some serious miles dude. Nice job. What an awesome place to run. Running that far on vacation is complete dedication to your training.
It looks like a runner's paradise - nice scenery, flat paths (yeah, I know that's not what you're needing at the moment), great temps and a lake to cool off in if you do happen to overheat. I love the picture of Colter and the fish. Is he puckering up or clamping those lips tight against any fish invasion?
Great picture of Colter and the phish. You'll be fine at Pikes Peak's elevation. All of the humidity we're training in in the midwest is a good simulation for the altitude! The temps up there were probably a welcome change! Casey did it!
Love the picture of the sunset. Sounds like a great vacation. I get rooting against the turtles to not have to wait around.
welcome back to running in hell... guhhhhh. glad you had a fun vacay! love the pics!
You're THE MAN getting all those miles in while on vacation! We went to Virginia this year and it was seriously 100 every day so I would get up early and maybe get in 5. I'm starting to LOATH summer. Big time!
Thanks for sharing the pics and like Chris K said, the kids have great names!
Love the family pics they are adorable! Hysterical that you are rooting against the something my husband and I would do! Treadmills India
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