I finally got a header constructed for my blog. If you look closely, you'll notice background maps of Boston, and a few cities I've completed marathons in like Little Rock, Myrtle Beach, and Oklahoma City. Actually I have to give credit to my graphic designer wife, Lora, for the new logo. I came up with the concept and rough draft, but after asking Lora for help with part of it, she kinda took the project over. That was fine with me, so that while she was cussing at the graphics software, I was free to
watch porn clean the kitchen. Besides she has more creative/artistic talent in her cute little double jointed thumbs than I have in my whole body. Now maybe I'm a little closer to getting one of those Stylish Blogger award things that gets passed around.

I received a much anticipated package in the mail this week. It's a racing singlet with a
Brooks Hansons Distance Project logo on it. I didn't get it as a reward for hitting a mileage goal or setting a PR. Let's just say I got it because it makes me look fast
as long as I'm not running, and maybe even stands out a bit (whether that's good our bad I have yet to figure out). Besides, the only other singlet I have is a plain white one, and here's my chance to model something just like all the other bloggers out there. Even though it's not nearly as interesting as a toga like
Chris K wore. I also figured sporting shorter shorts than what most guys would be caught dead in, makes me look
gay more legit, no? Now I just need to wait for the cold weather to end to take this act on the road.

Okay, I got a new logo, and a new shirt. So to complete the 'new' trifecta, we just got a
new dog in our household. Named her Jia. We picked a Chinese name since the breed originated there, and Jia fit her better than Kong. A couple more actual Chinese dog names we liked but turned down for obvious reasons:
Feng-Po-Po (means goddess of winds), Hou-Chi, and last but not least, Dong.
As far as my training goes, I finished my first week of tapering for the
Austin marathon. I had to take it easy on my right knee. The month of January kicked my knee's ass (bet you didn't know a knee has an ass) due to a 269 mile month, where almost all of those miles were within 30 seconds of my target marathon pace. My knee finally felt good enough yesterday to push the pace up to a 7:07.
1/31/2011 Weekly Mileage |
Mon. | 0 | 80 minutes on Elliptical trainer |
Tue. | 12 | 7.6 min/mi |
Wed. | 6 | 8.0 min/mi |
Thur. | 5 | 7.9 min/mi |
Fri. | 6 | 8.5 min/mi |
Sat. | 16 | 8.25 min/mi on treadmill |
Sun. | 0 | rest |
TOTAL | 45 |
You know how after you see a movie they show a gag reel, or bloopers during the credits? Well here's my version. I've got some poses that didn't quite make the cut, but I'm sharing them anyway:
I think I was going for a speed and power look.
But I decided the power part was lacking. |
Not sure what I was thinking here.
Based on my facial expression, I'd
say I was trying to download a brownload. |
Love the logo but Jia stole the show!
Great logo and I love the ending creadits!
Very cool logo!
Download a brownload - new motto for the blog? Great logo!
Freaking. Awesome.
Love the banner.
You killed the shorts way better than Chris k could have. ;)
Me likes the new logo, you are certainly very clever!!!! And yep, love the singlet too, it suits you and your running muscles very well!!!
Your wife did an amazing job!!! Love it!
Thanks for your comment on my blog! My aunt lives in Spearville and she says the weather and wind is just insane! Hopefully it will warm up for both of us soon!
Your blog logo is awesome! Your wife did a great job! Your blooper pics cracked me up!
Love love love the new header!
New header is great! Your mileages are awesome.
I'm stunned reading that "where almost all of those miles were within 30 seconds of my target marathon pace".
The training advice I've read mostly says:
you can peak to a much higher degree by doing more slower training and them some much faster training (so you get bigger training effect).
I would think more days of easy running, allowing a few days of much faster tempo running would be a good tradeoff. No?
Or this close to the race is it better to be all MP running?
??? Very interested in your training plan.
Great logo - awesome!!!
You look like Flash Gordon in that singlet. The logo is way cool - you are right, she is very talented. BTW, thanks again for your great Comments last week - they were super kind. Are you sure you don't want my BQ or Die title. You can have it!
BTW, I hereby give you the Stylish Blogger Award. Since I BQ'd last week, that gives me the right to do it for one week. I chose you. Don't let me down and not do it.
OMG the chinese names and download/brownload comments had me actually laughing out loud. Love the logo, I need to learn how to do that, does your wife give lessons?
Thanks for the comment on my blog! Nice blog logo! Yea, the weather has been ridiculously nice the past 2 weeks in CA - it seriously has felt like spring! I know the midwest has been hit hard by winter storms recently. Where I live in the bay area the only real natural disaster is earthquakes - the last 7.0 one in 1989 was really scary, haha Wildfires and mudslides definitely happen in other parts of the state though...though doesn't Kansas have tornadoes? I'll take nice this kind of weather and deal with a massive earthquake every 30 years =)
Just by reading some of your training posts over the past 2 months, it wouldn't surprise me if you have to change the title of your blog (just like Chris K above) after your marathon in a couple weeks - your training seems to be going really well. I hate to predict too much in advance, but I bet you will get the BQ time, or get really close to it.
And your blog is hilarious - "download a brownload?" haha You seriously remind me of Chris K's blog a lot =)
Good luck at the Austin Marathon! You've definitely logged some high mileage, ... 269 miles in January, very impressive.
LOVE the logo!!! Props to the wife!!!
Now for the shorties!! I can tell you think you look hot, look at you all flexing and stuff. You could be in the bikini calendar for sure! And the short shorts suit your man thighs....Makes it almost unbelievable that you are actually 2 slow 4 Boston...no?
Thanks for commenting on my blog, I'm glad you found me! It is nice read about fellow Kansans, I will be following you! :) The logo is very cool! Cute pup too! :-)
nice love the logo, good luck in Austin!
Ok. Your comment. Just. Cracked. Me. Up.
And also---I did it to learn I'll never do that again. Not over 10 anyway.
But. Hell. Yes...if I do. You. Will. Hear. About it.
Yeah, not sure I'd be wearing shorts that short. But, it's probably some sort of unwritten agreement with Brooks that their Hanson singlet will only be worn with short shorts - it would seem inherently wrong to pair it with a pair of knee-length shorts.
The new logo looks great, btw!
Cool logo! You're lucky to have a talented wife. Congrats on the dog, too! Dong would have been hilarious.
Love the logo!!
Your awesome comment last night helped me snap out of my grump funk a bit :) Thanks (to your wife as well :D)
Cussing on Chris Ks blog? I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about :)
Good luck at Austin! I'm not running it this year....but I am spectating. Should I look for you in the singlet?
Mmmmm, cleaning the kitchen......
Love the new logo. A lot. I've thought about getting one of those hansen's project singlets, but my wife refuses to let me. I think it is because my arms are like wee girl arms.
Awesome! Your wife did a great job and I agree with Chris, Flash is your name!!
Nice logo - muscles are awesome too - gotta get me some!
Well you LOOK super fast and that new singlet does the trick, I think the toga would just be a drag... Have fun with the taper!
I love the new header!!
Hey...got your message about Pikes Peak - so cool you are going to register. I've done the Ascent twice and it was brutal, but a blast! Will you be doing the full? I think I may sign up for the full...interesting because when I did it two years ago, I swore I was done with that mountain. :)
But I just wanted to tell you no matter what race you do, register EARLY! It has filled up in hours before!
Congrats on all the new stuff in your world. Those shorts are a tad Richard Simmons-esque but you can pull them off....figuratively and literally too I guess.
love the new logo, and the new duds. HOTTT! ;) wear those tomorrow please, with your new obnoxious once monthly running group who are rude and bring their dogs and drink too much!
p.s. that's what we like to call joggers and lagers my friend, and tomorrow there will be doughnuts!
I remembered reading this in google reader now, but I guess the header didn't make a mental note until I visited your site to comment on another post! Your wife is very talented, I love the header!
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