I might not be one of the popular (running) bloggers. I might not be one of the better looking bloggers (
which might help explain why I'm not the most popular). I'm not the funniest (
The Boring Runner, perhaps), nor the most entertaining blogger. I'm sure I'm not the smartest blogger, and despite my porn name, I might not even be the most perverted blogger (
SUAR?). However, I do appear to be the only blogger who mixed an idea with some know-how to create a tool for the running blog community to interact with. I refer to it simply as the "
Running Blog Database".
My attempt at a logo. |
As the name alludes to, it's foundation is a database full of running blog information. From the user's perspective, it is an interactive webpage that allows people to submit and/or find other blogs like a directory. Here is a partial list of how I think it can be utilized:
- Submit blogs for you or others to find and reference.
- Browse running blogs for fun or curiosity.
- Find that new person to stalk. Just be ready to go to jail.
- Sort blog list by State, City, or Blog Title.
- Search for blogs by specific States, Blog Title, or Blog Author.
- Find other bloggers in your area.
- Find other bloggers at your race or vacation destination.
- Cross reference blog authors to their blog's title, and vice versa.
- Get available email addresses.
- Find your soul mate (look out eHarmony). Use someone's profile picture to jump to conclusions like if they have a compatible personality, or are at least good in the sack. Disclaimer: Just about everybody in running blogland is married including 2Slow4Boston, sorry ladies.
This Running Blog Database, started out as a wish to be able to easily look up my fellow (run) bloggers. After I had awhile to think about it, I came up with a plan, kinda like a MacGyver who branched off into computers. Then a couple weeks ago, I took some of my average skills from my day job as a computer programmer, and applied them to the world wide web.
Sample listing from the Running Blog Database. |
I hope everyone who has made it this far clicks on the link to check it out (after you finish reading what I have to say, of course). Currently there are over 500 running blogs listed, and I've been trying to add about 40 per day. Not that I'm the only one who can submit blogs to the list. I have put a section toward the top to allow anyone,
a.k.a. you, to add their favorite running blog(s).
While I have tried to keep the database centered on running, there are plenty of blogs that fit into a gray area, like those snobby multitasking triathlon blogs, whose authors like to remind us runners that they know how to swim, and while they're at it, post pics of their thousand dollar+
tricycles tri-bikes. Despite our differences, I figure if those Iron men and women post about running, subscribe to runner's blogs, and interact with our blogs, then they deserve inclusion. Walk like a duck, quack like a duck, yada yada.
I went ahead and included some blogs in the list that appear dormant just in case they ever become un-dormant, but just so you don't think I'm too easy, I omitted any blogs that were restricted to invites only.
The most time consuming part for me has been the data entry. I haven't had any problems finding new running blogs yet, but to get as much data entered as I can, I view each individual blog and find all the pertinent info to copy. On the plus side, I'm getting a diversified look into the running blogosphere and finding some blogs I would like to start reading. On the down side, I've been missing out on several episodes of "The Big Bang Theory."
I'm about to get all nerdy up in here if I haven't already given you that impression, so either skip this next paragraph, or find out why some people find me boring.
The most technically challenging part of putting this webpage together turned out to be getting everyone's profile picture since it is not readily available. First of all, I don't think everyone has one shared to begin with, and I haven't looked into how to obtain any of them from Wordpress blogs yet. Hence, only Blogger blogs have a chance at getting displayed on this site. Secondly, the algorithms I used to obtain said pictures seemed to take more processing power than what my web hosting provider could support and it led to unstable results for the user (occasional Internal Server Error), meaning I spent half of a weekend on it until I got plan C to work good enough. On that note, I'm pretty happy with how things have turned out to this point, however, this project is a little out of my programming field, so if you encounter any problems with it, or have some constructive criticism on making things more user friendly, please let me know.
I hope everyone ends up liking it, using it, and maybe putting a link to it on their blog. If you think your blog's sidebar needs more flair, feel free to add a widget to your blog template and use my graphic from the top of this page to link to it. My wish is that it becomes a resource for the running blog community that people want to bookmark and use from time to time.
Go check out the
Running Blog Database. I guess if you're already listed there, that means you're somebody. :-) Please tell me what you think.