Monday, January 23, 2012

My Interview With a U.S. Olympic Trials Marathoner

Most of us in running blog land are pretty dedicated to the sport, usually logging 1,000 to 3,000 miles per year, year after year.  We all have different running goals, but almost all of us never have to push ourselves beyond the point of running a Boston qualifying marathon if we can get that far.  Many blogs, mine included, allude to the quest of reaching the Boston Marathon by virtue of running a 3 to 4 hour marathon.  See BQby40, Ali's Boston Marathon Training Blog, or Boston or Botox? to name a few.  Many authors of other running blogs have at least ran in the Boston Marathon.  But this post isn't really about Boston.  It's about another marathon that is a lot harder to qualify for.  One that is off of everyone's radar due to it's exclusivity, and it only comes along once every four years.  I'm talking about the Olympic Marathon Trials.  I have yet to see a blog titled, "Olympic Trials or Die", or "OT by 40".